Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
Mine Countermeasures (MCM)
STM NETA 300 is capable of conducting MCM operations at depths ranging from 2 to 300 meters and autonomously surveys minefields using Side Scan Sonar and Gap Filler Sonar, enabling operators to identify and classify mines or mine-like objects as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Syntactic Aperture Sonar (SAS) can be optionally integrated to achieve a wider swath range and ultra-high along-track resolution.
Search and Rescue (SAR) Operations
STM NETA 300 is rapidly deployable from any type of vessel and provides extensive area coverage on a single mission, making it ideal for SAR operations. The side scan sonar and precision navigation systems deliver highly accurate data for locating targets and wreckages.
Other Capabilities
Given the stability and sophistication of the STM NETA 300, it supports a wide range of applications. These include both civilian and military uses.
Military Operations
Civilian and Industrial Applications:
The indigenous, flexible and modular design of the STM NETA 300 allows for various configurations tailored to operational needs, ranging from a 70 kg base configuration to an 85 kg long-endurance configuration. Battery options include 2.1 kWh or 4.2 kWh lithium-ion sections, providing up to 12 hours or 24 hours
of endurance, respectively.