As STM SAVUNMA TEKNOLOJİLERİ MÜHENDİSLİK VE TİCARET A.Ş., we give great importance to the protection of the personal data belonging to all natural persons with whom we have come into contact while fulfilling our commercial operations as of the date on which the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data (“LPPD”) entered in force, and in this framework, to the complete fulfillment of the obligations included in the scope of the provisions of the relevant legislation regarding the protection of personal data, primarily the LPPD.
You can find below each procedure and document being implemented at our Company in the scope of the LPPD. If you have additional questions regarding the collecting, processing, and use of your personal data, you can get in touch with us by referring with the “Data Subject Application Form” in person to our Company, by registered mail with advice of receipt, or by electronically signature to the email address of Thank you for visiting our website.*
*In case of a contradiction between the English and Turkish versions of the aforementioned documents, the Turkish versions shall prevail.